A Pointed Death, the first book in The Pointer Mystery Series, is a comical mystery thriller set in the world of technology, featuring a feisty female heroine and her shorthaired pointer, Skootch. Set against a wild and wacky backdrop of San Francisco, the epicenter of the biotech industry, A Pointed Death by Kath Russell tells a smart, funny, and chilling story of espionage and modern love. Techno whiz Nola Billingsley finds her former employee, an amoral creep who stole secrets from startup companies, murdered. She begins a flirtation with the inspector assigned to the case, and counts on her shorthaired pointer Skootch to watch her back as she’s hurled into a world of danger and deceit. Smart, witty, and playful, A Pointed Death looks at both the landmines in today’s technology as well as the perils of romance, and introduces a feisty female heroine you won’t forget.
A Pointed Death, the first book in The Pointer Mystery Series, is a comical mystery thriller set in the world of technology, featuring a feisty female heroine and her shorthaired pointer, Skootch.
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